Shipping agency – Marine services

Logistics Quang Ninh as a shipping agent, we specialize in bulk cargo, heavy cargo, container transportation, oil and gas, oversized cargo, special equipment, roll-on/roll-off cargo, supply service food, equipment and crew support. We always create trust and are ready to support every aspect of ship operation and handle all formalities for the vessel quickly and smoothly upon arrival at the port.

Our Shipping Agency Services include:

  • Advise ship owners and shippers to optimize operations and reduce costs.
  • Support foreign shipping lines to understand the Vietnamese market, serve ships and solve all problems during their stay in Vietnam.
  • Notify the channel status, berth, ship release capacity, estimated port charges to the trustee before the ship arrives at the port.
  • Arrange procedures for ships entering and leaving seaports, pilots, wharfs and cargo handling activities.
  • The service provides food, clean water, fuel and crew support.
  • Repair ships and containers with reasonable and competitive prices.
  • Chartering brokerage services and information consulting.
