Many notes for businesses on tax policy

According to experts, a part of businesses does not know the details of tax documents and policies, especially new ones, leading to many risks in the process of operation.

People come to do tax-related procedures at Thu Duc City Tax Department. Photo: T.D

Take risks if you do not know tax regulations

Sharing about new tax policies in 2023 and things businesses need to pay attention to at a recent business meeting, Ms. Nguyen Thi Cuc, President of the Vietnam Tax Consultants Association said, in Vietnam, Tax revenue accounts for more than 80% of total budget revenue. Over the past time, tax policies have been gradually reformed, adjusted, supplemented to suit reality, contributing to promoting production and business, solving difficulties for enterprises…

However, a part of businesses does not know the details of taxes, which leads to many risks, especially in the context that the guiding documents are not timely and transparent, state agencies even understand differently. the greater the risk to the business.

Regarding the new tax policies in 2023, experts note that the deadline for paying corporate income tax in the fourth quarter of 2022 is January 30, 2023. By January 30, 2023, enterprises must temporarily pay 80% of payable corporate income tax according to the annual finalization. In particular, starting from January 1, 2023, no value-added tax reduction regulations apply to groups of goods and services eligible for tax reduction according to Decree No. 15/2022/ND-CP dated January 28/ 2022 of the Government…

Currently is the peak month of the tax industry to gather forces to support taxpayers to review dossiers, declare and complete procedures for finalization of corporate income tax and personal income tax. In order to support taxpayers to make tax finalization smoothly, provincial tax departments plan to step up support for businesses and taxpayers and promptly grasp taxpayers’ problems.

In 2023, it is forecasted that there will be many difficulties and challenges, the General Department of Taxation said that the Government is currently studying and submitting to the National Assembly a number of solutions to remove difficulties for businesses, curb inflation, and stabilize the macro-economy. , creating a good environment for businesses to develop and nurture revenue.

The Ministry of Finance has submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee for promulgation Resolution No. 30/2022/UBTVQH dated December 30, 2022 on the reduction of environmental protection tax for petroleum products, grease.

Basically, all items are reduced by 50% compared to the normal tax rate, only kerosene products are reduced by about 40%. That is, the environmental protection tax rate for petroleum products ranges from 1,000 – 2,000 VND, the highest is gasoline at 2,000 VND/liter, most items are subject to the tax rate of 1,000 VND, especially kerosene 600 VND. /kg.

Create an open and transparent mechanism

Facing difficulties to fulfill business goals and tax revenue collection tasks in 2023, Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department said, Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department has implemented orientations in accordance with development of the economic situation. In particular, special attention is paid to administrative reform and application of information technology in the tax field.

Accordingly, the Tax Department of Ho Chi Minh City will actively carry out digital transformation and continue to deploy the Etax Mobile electronic tax service. This electronic method has saved time and human resources for taxpayers and tax authorities. In 2023, the orientation of Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department will deploy 100% of individual transactions for tax payment and tax refund electronically through the Etax Mobile application system.

Simultaneously, completing the e-invoice created from the cash register with 9 groups of industries directly retailing goods to consumers such as trade centers, supermarkets, dining, restaurants, gold trading. silver…

According to Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung, the implementation of electronic invoices from cash registers will bring more benefits than conventional invoices. This conversion will shorten the time and the initiative of businesses since taxpayers will not have to send information to the portal to get a code, but will be given an existing code line.

In addition, the creation of electronic invoices from the cash register will not require a digital signature, at a point of sale many cash registers can be created to quickly issue e-invoices to meet the needs of customers. Good customer needs and transparency when purchasing. Thereby, businesses and consumers will be more proactive in correcting errors.

According to the statistics of the Tax Department of Ho Chi Minh City, by mid-March 2023, the city has implemented the initialization of electronic invoices from cash registers for more than 1,000 businesses and 200 business households.

However, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department Nguyen Tien Dung admitted that the application of normal e-invoices for some groups of industries is not really appropriate. In fact, consumers have not yet directly received invoices, which causes a lack of transparency in transactions.

Stemming from those problems, under the direction of the tax industry, from December 2022, Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department has implemented electronic invoices created from cash registers with 9 groups of direct sales business lines. for consumers are specified in Decree 123/2020/ND-CP and Circular 78/2021/TT-BTC. This plan will still be implemented and strive to complete in 2023.
